• Table

    • In a spacious store ♪

      Table 50Person(s) × 1

      In a spacious store ♪

  • Chartering

    • ☆ Charter OK for more than 10 people ☆ As a condition, [1] Monday to Friday.[2] Between 12:00 and 17:00.[3] Order the all-you-can-eat course.[4] Charter time is basically 2 hours (time can be consulted).We look forward to your call ♪

      Chartering 50Person(s) × 1

      • Maximum number of people

        Sitting style only

      ☆ Charter OK for more than 10 people ☆ As a condition, [1] Monday to Friday.[2] Between 12:00 and 17:00.[3] Order the all-you-can-eat course.[4] Charter time is basically 2 hours (time can be consulted).We look forward to your call ♪